Gröna Lund, parc d'attraction incontournable de Stockholm. Entre manèges à l'arrêt et obscurité angoissante, une boîte transpercée d'épées contenant un corps de femme est retrouvée. Pour la nouvelle enquêtrice Mina Dahbiri, l'affaire dépasse les compétences de la police. Vincent Walder, expert en mentalisme et en communication non verbale, accepte de lui prêter main-forte. S'agit-il d'un tour de magie qui a mal tourné ou d'un tueur machiavélique?? En complément de leurs talents, une visite dans les archives policières devrait aider le duo à trouver des réponses...
A thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat from the first page to the last!
A kidnapped boy...
A young child is snatched in broad daylight outside his nursery. Nobody in charge sees a thing, but the other children say a woman is the culprit ...
The police find a link ...
Detective Mina Dabiri calls on her close friend Vincent to untangle the puzzle that surrounds the kidnapped boy. As he finds a link between the boy and other others who have gone missing, it becomes clear that time is running out for everyone involved ....
A looming threat...
Meanwhile, Mina''s estranged daughter gets caught up in the secretive world of Epicura, a shadowy organisation that claims to be a centre for leadership development. Can Mina protect her child-a child who doesn''t even know she exists? -
An incredible new thriller you won''t want to put down!
A shocking murder... It''s a case unlike anything detective Mina Dabiri has seen before. A woman trapped inside a magician''s box, with swords pierced through. But this time, it''s not a magic trick. It''s murder.
A case which twists and turns... Knowing she has a terrifying killer on her hands, Mina enlists the help of celebrity mentalist, Vincent Walder. Only he can give her an insight into the secret world of magic and illusions.
A ticking clock to stop a serial killer... Mina and Vincent soon discover that the murder victim has the roman numeral III engraved on her leg. The killer is counting down. There are going to be three more murders. And time is running out to stop them. -
A gripping new novel from No. 1 international bestseller and Swedish crime sensation Camilla Lackberg She is safe... Faye Adelheim deserves the life she has. After fleeing from a violent marriage, she has built her business into a global brand and is living in a beautiful villa in Italy with her daughter.
Or so she thought... But Faye''s life is turned upside down when her murderous ex-husband escapes from prison. Faye has no choice but to return home to confront him.
This will be the fight of her life... Faye will do anything to keep her family safe. But when the dark secrets of her childhood come back to haunt her, she will have to battle like never before to stop her deepest fears from coming true...
Praise for Camilla Lackberg ''A sexy, sensational novel'' No.1 bestselling author Karin Slaughter ''Heart-stopping'' No.1 bestselling author Val McDermid ''Both chilling and thrilling'' Sun ''Pacy...with flashing insight into the dark places of the psyche'' Sunday Times
Camilla Läckberg
- Harper Collins Uk
- 19 Juillet 2012
- 9780007419531
Swedish crime sensation and No. 1 international bestseller, Camilla Lackberg's new psychological thriller - for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo Nesbo Christian Thydell's dream has come true: his debut novel, The Mermaid, is published to rave reviews. So why is he as distant and unhappy as ever? When crime writer Erica Falck discovers that Christian has been receiving anonymous threats, she investigates not just the messages but also the author's mysterious past. Meanwhile, one of Christian's closest friends is missing. Erica's husband, Detective Patrik Hedström, has his worst suspicions confirmed as the mind-games aimed at Christian and those around him become a disturbing reality. But, with the victims themselves concealing evidence, the investigation is going nowhere. Is their silence
No. 1 international bestseller and Swedish crime sensation Camilla Lackberg's new psychological thriller featuring Detective Patrick Hedstrom and Erica Falck - irresistible for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo Nesbo.
Schriftstellerin Erica Falck und der Polizist Patrik Hedström-Serie, Fjällbacka Nr. 10 dt. Eishexe, geb. 1.2018 schwedische Krimiautorin
Swedish crime sensation and No. 1 international bestseller, Camilla Lackberg's new psychological thriller - for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo NesboChristian Thydell has been receiving anonymous threats since he began writing his novel The Mermaid. When one message, secreted within a bouquet of flowers, causes him to collapse at the launch party, crime writer Erica Falck is compelled to investigate.Erica's husband detective Patrik Hedström, meanwhile, is puzzled by the disappearance of Christian's friend Magnus Kjellner four months previously. When a body is found frozen in the sea near Fjallbacka, he has a murder enquiry on his handsSomeone carries an intense hatred for Christian and his circle, and they won't hesitate to turn their threats into a reality. Clues in his debut novel The Mermaid point to a horrific secret buried deep in his past. One that someone will go to any lengths to keep hidden.
LE NID DU COUCOU (2 VOLUMES) : Grands caractères, édition accessible pour les malvoyants
Camilla Läckberg
- A Vue D'Oeil
- 15 Janvier 2025
- 9791026907879
"Sur sa petite île privée au large de Fjällbacka, le couple Bauer fête ses noces d'or, entouré de ses proches. Henning Bauer est l'un des plus célèbres écrivains suédois et l'académie Nobel est sur le point de consacrer son immense talent. Mais cette reconnaissance est-elle vraiment méritée ? Des meurtres viennent semer le trouble, et tandis que l'enquête piétine, Erica Falck se plonge dans un cold case qui l'intrigue : la mort d'un transgenre à Stockholm dans les années 1980. Elle comprend peu à peu que le passé étend ses tentacules jusque dans le présent, et que de vieux péchés laissent de longues ombres derrière eux.
La reine incontestée du polar scandinave est au sommet de son art.